25 articles in opensource
- How to install Diaspora on CentOS 7
- Redesigning the looks of this blog
- IsItFedoraRuby new design
- Custom GitLab login page
- isitfedoraruby gsoc midterm sum up
- Rails development tools
- Rubocop to the rescue!
- GSoC-2014 isitfedoraruby - Week 3
- GSoC-2014 isitfedoraruby - Week 2
- GSoC-2014 isitfedoraruby - Week 1
- GitLab on CentOS asks for password when using git push via ssh
- GSoC - Weekly update 11 and 12
- GitLab gem install benchmarking with bundler 1.4
- GSoC - Weekly update 9 and 10
- SELinux policy for nginx and GitLab unix socket in Fedora 19
- GSoC - Weekly update 7 and 8
- GSoC - Weekly update 6
- GSoC - Weekly update 5
- I got approved as a packager, now what?
- GSoC - Weekly update 3 and 4
- GSoC - Weekly update 2
- GSoC - Weekly update 1
- Connect to Transmission through an ssh encrypted session
- Accepted for GSoC 2013
- Bringing GitLab to Fedora